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Best Posture Exercises for Neck and Back Pain

Hi this is Dr. Chris Gubbels Fort Collins chiropractor here at Square One giving you the square one healthy tip of the week. And this week I want to take a minute to show you some things that you some that sits at a computer your hands over a lot, this is some quick exercise that you can do and take a break to work on your posture.

So I call this YWT and I’m gonna show you from the front side. So first thing if you’re like this, one thing I’m gonna have you do is you gonna start by bringing your hands up like this your thumbs pointing back to we call this Y, while I’m doing this I’m gonna make sure that my head stays stuck with my chin down. So I’m not gonna let my head drop forward but the first you’re gonna do is go ahead make of Y you’re gonna point your chin in, and you’re gonna pull your shoulder weight together in the back and we gonna hold this for about 30 seconds and after 30 seconds you can bring your arms down into W just like this keeping your head take back you opening up here after after you hold out for about 30 seconds go ahead and bring your arms out like this you’re making a T from the side its gonna look like this and then after 30 seconds or so bring your arms down to an L to finish it like that.

That gives you a nice stretch appeared the shoulders for something back muscles and get your head backwards supposed to be. That’s a great thing that you can do just take a break once or twice a day when your seating in your desk and it will help you improve your real posture so Dr. Chris Gubbels from square one that is your square one help tip of the week.

Now if you’re someone that has any ongoing neck pain, upper back pain, headaches we always recommend that you get checked by a healthcare professional.

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